Brett Brenner Electrical Safety

Safety Talk #35 – Electrical safety at home…

Electrical safety expert Brett Brenner joins the show to share some common sense advice for homeowners and businesses on how to prevent electrical-related accidents and property loss. He covers a wide variety of topics including…

Active shooters & violence prevention programs with Dan Murphy

Safety Talk Ep 26 – Active shooters &…

Dan Murphy joins the Safety Talk Podcast to share his experiences in managing violence prevention programs and the rise of active shooter/mass casualty events. He has consulted with many organizations helping them create effective and…

Rob Lydic of Allegion discusses mobile credential solutions

Safety Talk Ep 25 – Rob Lydic of…

Pete welcomes scanning device expert Rob Lydic to share his insights on the "mobile movement" and how his company Allegion is leading the way in mobile credential solutions. Rob has spoken to global audiences around…