Idan Cohen from Reflectiz joins the Podcast to discuss the growing need for oversight of safety and privacy risks caused by installed 3rd-party code on corporate websites. Idan and his partner founded Reflectiz in 2016,…
Safety Talk Ep 009 – Crisis communication discussion…
Ebony Vaz joins the Safety Talk podcast to discuss a wide variety of topics related to crisis communications. Ebony Vaz is a crisis communications expert and Chief Strategist of Above Promotions, a digital marketing, public…
Safety Talk Ep 008 – How highly-effective people…
Author and world traveler John Vespasian joins the podcast to discuss his latest book "Undisrupted: How highly-effective people deal with disruptions". John has turned his international background and his personal interest in history into a…
Safety Talk Ep 007 – Cybersecurity program development…
Author and cybersecurity expert Chris Moschovitis joins the Safety Talk Podcast to discuss a wide variety of topics that business executives face on a daily basis. Chris is the author of the best selling "Cybersecurity…
Safety Talk Ep 005 – Wellness Expert Irene…
Pete's guest this week is an author, mom and health and wellness expert Irene Gabelnick. Irene is the founder of the "Power of Writing" newsletter and she joins the show to discuss a wide range…
Safety Talk Ep 001 – Pete Canavan &…
This is the introductory first episode of Safety Talk! The mission of Safety Talk is to educate our audience and provide them with great tips and actionable information that will immediately improve their safety. Personal…